Our Story

How we started...

When I moved to Switzerland last year, I found the range of wine available very different to what I was used to in the UK. Switzerland only exports 2% of its wine, so there were some unfamiliar names and regions facing me on the shelves of Manor and Coop, when I was browsing. The range here is largely classic French and Swiss varietals, with a few Barolos and super Tuscans thrown in for good measure. 

A search for exciting wines 

So, I've created Budbox, a carefully curated selection of 6 bottles of wine delivered straight to your doorstep on a monthly or quarterly basis.

The selection won't be of wines that you can pick up in Coop -  each box will contain lesser known, great-value wines from around the world. We'll also include one Swiss wine, so you can understand and compare Swiss wines within he context of the wider wine industry. 

Our Budboxes

Each box comes with a QR code that takes you to a fact sheet that demystifies the world of wine and provides customers with valuable information on the origin of the wine, grape variety, ageing process, and suggested food pairings.

I'd love for you to join us on this journey of discovery, I promise to bring exciting gems  to your front door, every month -  sign up for a Budbox subscription today, and get ready for an adventure.  Cheers!